Who are we ? > Our manifesto


The Humundi manifesto sets out in 10 concrete points how we are taking action to transform our food systems. Each point illustrates our commitment to fundamentally rethinking the way we grow, produce, distribute and consume food. By focusing on environmentally friendly farming practices, fair marketing, healthy and sustainable food and a decent income for farmers, this manifesto guides our concrete actions towards a fairer and more sustainable food future.

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We cultivate
the right to food

Since 1964 and the creation of the NGO SOS Faim, we have been fighting for the right to food alongside farmers. Everyone has the right to be able to feed themselves and eat to their hearts’ content, to produce or have access to healthy food.

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we cultivate
food sovereignty

We work with individuals and groups to help them decide what they want to eat and how their food is produced. We do this by supporting local initiatives and community resilience in Africa and Latin America.

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We cultivate

Agroecology is not a utopia, it is a necessity. It has proved that it can provide a living for farmers while feeding every one of us, from the field to the plate. We defend it because it benefits humanity and the planet.

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We cultivate
human rights

We do not accept that those who feed us go hungry and that some people do not have access to healthy food. We are working to ensure that farmers earn a decent living from their work, and we are fighting against the excesses of an industrial food system that impoverishes the people who work the land and makes the most vulnerable and marginalized poorer.

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We cultivate
a sustainable model

Faced with the biodiversity loss, soil depletion and climate change, in the front of inequalities and short-termism, we advocate a sustainable model that reconciles the economy, ecology and quality of life for every individual. And one that takes account of our planetary limits.

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We cultivate
political and civic action

We challenge politicians and citizens on the need for policies (agricultural, climate, trade, health, etc.) that are consistent with the objective of transition. We mobilize people’s wills and consciences, because we know that it is by showing commitment and solidarity that we will succeed in bringing about the agro-ecological transition.

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We cultivate

As a member of Belgian, European and international networks, we pool our strengths and knowledge and take joint action to create alliances and stimulate international solidarity.

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We cultivate

The projects we support and develop with our partners benefit more than one and a half million farming families. And raise awareness of many more.

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We cultivate

We work with people and organizations to promote equality and equity between women and men of all ages, so that everyone can participate in the food systems and decision-making processes that affect them.

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We cultivate

We sow the seeds of a fairer world for ourselves and for future generations.