Humundi celebrates 60 years of action and solidarity

12 July 2024

Humundi celebrates 60 years of action and solidarity


This is a special year for us: Humundi, formerly SOS Faim, is celebrating 60 years of active solidarity, cooperation and commitment to a fairer world.

International solidarity has been our mission since 1964. We have always worked alongside the farming world, with an approach based on partnership and collaboration. Since our inception, we have provided impetus and support, but we do not take the place of our local partners. Our projects are designed and implemented with local players such as NGOs, farmers’ organisations, research and microfinance institutions, to meet the real needs of the communities and families we support.

While there is an urgent need for action, for us, solidarity is expressed over the long term through concrete projects in the field, as well as through advocacy, awareness-raising, exchanges of experience and the transfer of know-how.

In the face of current tendencies to turn in on ourselves, this anniversary gives us the opportunity to celebrate and recall the importance, urgency and power of this international solidarity to make the world a fairer and more sustainable place.

Thank you - Humundi : Humundi celebrates 60 years of action and solidarity
Thank you - Humundi : Humundi celebrates 60 years of action and solidarity

If we have been able to carry out solidarity actions for sixty years, it is thanks to you. Your commitment has been essential to the success of our projects. We thank you for your continued confidence in our mission and our actions, both here and elsewhere in the world.

We will be celebrating our 60th anniversary at our flagship events (Humundi Race, Alimenterre Festival), as well as through various initiatives that we will be unveiling shortly. Join us for these festive occasions and let’s show that solidarity is more necessary than ever!